Give Uhuru a break, he was misled by nefarious commercial cartels at Afya House and PDU

Give Uhuru a break, he was misled by nefarious commercial cartels at Afya House and PDU

By Onyango Ochieng Jnr

The president was simply misled by the nefarious commercial interests around him both at PDU and Afya House.
I have never seen a WOODEN BED in any hospital anywhere in the whole world including the one Queen Elizabeth sleeps on when sick; not even in the United States of Amnesia of Donald Slump.

I challenge any of you to provide contrarian evidence, I will then change my mind.
But I am not shocked. Anyone who saw the orders that creative CHAIR attracted and the cash it minted should have seen this coming, it was a matter of WHEN; not IF.

The predatory economic scumbags thirsting for humongous profits must have plotted well, I personally even believe that they stole the idea from Meshack Otieno, and sent money to that other young men to reverse-engineer the design by adding the wooden element so that they could lobby the president into the idea of buying those beds.

On a personal level, Uhuru is not that bad as you think. He doesn’t hate Luos that much. Mama Ngina’s own sister is married to Bruce in Yimbo Majengo, they married those days Tom Mboya street was a murram road. Uhuru’s own son has married Achola, since then he doesn’t sleep; its nocturnal activities in perpetuity making our girl pregnant year-after-year! And the president is overly impressed with our girl for the good work. Uhuru’s childhood buddy was BRUCE ODHIAMBO, his other long time buddy is BILL AROCHO.

See, growing up I was told Israel is so powerful that it even captured USA Congress and Senate. Later in life, I embarked on a path to unlock this seemingly crazy relationship. It is then that I discovered the whole concept of LOBBYING and the role AIPAC and the Texas EVANGELISTS play in funding senate candidates and USA presidential candidates to ensure a favorable president, Congress and Senate are elected. That way, Israel operates like the 51st state of the USA protected even at the UN and UNSC by USA veto power. They receive funding annually like any other USA state.LOBBYING!

As you shared the pics of Meshack, the others were busy LOBBYING where it matters most.
More reason I sing Magufuli every day because he is a STREETSMAN, who is everywhere like a pimpernel scarlet. Peripatetic with his fingers on the pulse of the nation. He even banned all ministers and public officials from sitting in offices. They are out there.

It’s not late though. The president only ordered 500 BEDS. He can make further orders. Alternatively, LUO GOVERNORS must not hide behind the national rage, they must instead come out and order these beds.

If you see JOHO, OPARANYA, and KINGI, tell them this is the time to order the beds from Meshack Otieno. They should not just be active when insulting Ruto.



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