How a community generates wealth faster.

How a community generates wealth faster.

How a community generates wealth faster.

With particular attention to a community in Nyanza a target for this information.

1. Political networks. A community that values development must align itself with government , and such an alignment must be strategic; directed towards the pursuit of specified collective interests; infrastructure, high government positions, economic renewal programs , etc.

Negotiations should always be done with such strategic interests in mind.

Opposition politics should only work when the existing administration is too recalcitrant for political negotiations.

2. Business with government. Government remains the biggest business partner in the award of tenders and contracts. Leading community entrepreneurs and contractors must be positioned in strategic lines of engagement to benefit from such tenders and contracts.

3. Professional engagements. Lawyers, doctors , engineers , educationists and other professionals drawn from the community need to access available lucrative engagements within government and the private sector.

Number 1-3 have massive trickle down benefits .

4. A business culture. This works very well among community members who must embrace the right values that promote business and productivity . it involves the following.

– Respecting people’s businesses.

– Paying promptly if you bought on credit.

– Buying from within the community.

– Honoring business deals agreed upon.

– Creating and supporting linkages for increased business.

– Being diplomatic and persuasive in all business engagements.

– Being honest and trustworthy.

– Meeting deadlines and other business promises .

– Being professional and ethical in all business engagements.

– Dropping habits or lifestyles that injure business interests.

– Cultivating qualities that promote cooperation and partnerships .

Kisiis particularly have a poor business culture.

5. Embracing change and technology. A community that is progressive must be pliable and change oriented. Tradition must give space to better ideas.

By Douglas Ondieki

How a community generates wealth faster.



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