Blogger Dennis Itumbi leaks Statehouse plan after High court ruling on BBI

Blogger Dennis Itumbi leaks Statehouse plan after High court ruling on BBI

By Dennis Itumbi via FB

The Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau ( HNIB) agents of good have infiltrated two high profile meetings and therefore asks you to watch out for the following…

Deep State, Kieleweke and their agents will…

1. Discredit the judgment by mischaracterizing it

2. Discredit the Judges

3. Narrative- Judgement threatens national unity.

4. Narrative- judgement is of no consequence and will change nothing.

5. Threaten and intimidate the judges/advocates

6. Get International “experts” trash the judgement.

7. Advise the President to ignore the Judges and forward BBI to IEBC for action – using an argument currently being worked on by the Prefects.

8. Two known political brokers have been dispatched to Tinga. They will have Lunch with Raila Odinga to brief him on the decision and hopefully issue a statement later.

9. Concern raised on lukewarm stance by Luo Nyanza legislators – One person in the meeting observed, ” In Senate, none of them made a substantive contribution to the debate, other than point of Orders…”

10. Only Paul Mwangi is busy reacting to the verdict of the court. The political prominent lawyers in ODM are silent on the matter.

Blogger Dennis Itumbi leaks Statehouse plan after High court ruling on BBI



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