” William Ruto will be my opposition leader in 2022″, Kalonzo declares


” William Ruto will be my opposition leader in 2022″, Kalonzo declares

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has said he will run for next year’s presidential election in order to defeat Deputy President William Ruto.

Speaking in Kitui County, Kalonzo dismissed Ruto’s hustler narrative saying it was unachievable.

“Defeating William Ruto is my number one priority and I have reasons for it,” Kalonzo said.

He, however, said any politician is free to visit Ukambani region to seek for votes.

“Yeyote yule anataka kuja kuomba kura ukambani amekaribishwa… Mimi nitaenda Eldoret kwa William Ruto, Siaya, Kisumu… Nitaenda everywhere (anyone who wants to come to Kamba region to request for votes is welcomed. I will go to Ruto’s Eldoret home, Siaya, Kisumu. I will go everywhere). That is the nation we want,” he added.

” William Ruto will be my opposition leader in 2022″, Kalonzo declares



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