Why Tanga Tanga will weep in 2022 like nursery school kids

Why Tanga Tanga will weep in 2022 like nursery school kids

By Mutemebi and Gordon Opiyo via fb

Why the anger in Tangatanga camp? Because Uhuru knows in 2013 Raila won though Ruto’s 1M votes couldn’t help him beat Raila.Uhuru also knows in 2017 Raila beat him again meaning Ruto’s support is useless.

Ruto too knows this very well and that’s why he is trying a narrative that he hopes will divide Kenyans against the Rich and poor.

Will the narrative sell? Definitely NO.Once the campaigns kick start the Hustler Nation narrative will be destroyed like a burukenge.

If you truly mean it on giving hustlers a chance,why has your party not given tickets to wheelbarrow,Mkokoteni and Mama mboga traders?

This lie will be dealt with perpendicularly and Kenyans will be happy.Uhuru and Ruto know very well that Kikuyu and Kalenjin votes never helped them win any presidency,the president is ready to have Raila beat Ruto fair and square and hand over power to the rightfully elected boss who has been denied his seat for long,we are fixing the nation !

I want to remind Tanga Tanga that Uhuru has not betrayed Ruto.
It is simple Business. By the way, have you heard Ruto complaining? Ruto has not complained.
Real Betrayal was in 1966,when Kenyatta Senior kicked out Jaramogi. Five years earlier in 1961 Jaramogi refused to take up power, insisting that Jomo had to be released. Jaramogi considered Jomo to be a personal friend, and they had joint Bank accounts and put on similar clothing, just like the Dynamic Duo in 2013.
But unlike the Ruto deal Jaramogi got basically nothing. He did not control anything or get serious benefit from power. When he was kicked out, he was still a poor man. Raila grew in a modest lifestyle and only moved to Karen in 2004.
Real Betrayal is when Raila stood by Kibaki and said “Tosa” he plucked half of Kanu from Moi and gave Kibaki the Presidency on a silver platter. What did Raila get in 2003? He was betrayed 2 weeks into the Kibaki Presidency. Kibaki appointed people that Raila did not approve of into Cabinet, and the Promise of PM in the MoU was trashed in two weeks. Without Raila, Kibaki would never have won. But Raila got nothing, and after 3 years of crying, he was publicly sacked and humiliated….
Ruto got in power as DP. First, it is said that he was given a huge amount of cash in order to support Uhuru. Second, for 7 years, Ruto was given half of the Cabinet Posts, which he filled with people like Kazungu Kambi, Achesa and that yellow yellow lady who used to cry before reading speeches…
Apart from half the Cabinet, Ruto was given 100%of Parliament. It is Ruto who6has been choosing who gets what position in Parliament. Apart from that Ruto was given 70% of State Corporations to appoint Directors.
In other words, Uhuru gave Ruto 75 %of Presidential Powers.
For 7 years Ruto called the shots and amassed hundreds of billions in suspect deals. Imagine being able to pay over 150 MPs every week to follow you and sing praises and declaring undying love.
Real Betrayal is using the 75 %power donated to him to undermine his Boss. Paying people like Itumbi to insult his Boss.
That is Real Betrayal.
If Uhuru was a traitor, he would have done what Jomo did and kicked Ruto out in 2 years, leaving him a pauper.
He would have done what Kibaki did and kick Raila out in Two weeks and sack him after three years, and leave him poor.
But Uhuru is a man of honor. Bending to Ruto’s demands, and even appointing pure Thugs like Achesa and Morons like Kazungu Kambi, just to satisfy Ruto…..
So muwache kusumbua Rais Uhuru eti Traitor… Uhuru gave you everything, he sacrificed his powers and gave Ruto 75 %…. Only for Ruto to turn against him and sponsor people to call him Wanjohi….
Tanga Tanga ndiyo Traitors.
Ukweli Usemwe

Good morning.

Why Tanga Tanga will weep in 2022 like nursery school kids



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