Raila, Uhuru, CJ Maraga lead country in mourning top lawyer Hon Nzamba Kitonga (SC)


Top city lawyer and 2010 constitution expert Philip Nzamba Kitonga (Senior Counsel) is dead after a short illness, according to his family.

The lawyer who chaired the Committee of Experts on the 2010 Constitutional Review died on Sunday evening while on his way to Nairobi from Makueni.

Nzamba was born in 1956 in Kitui County and has died at the age of 64.

He was also active in political matters and vied for the Kitui gubernatorial seat in 2013, but lost the former governor Julius Malombe.

Nzamba held positions such as the president of the East Africa Law Society and COMESA Court of Justice

He was among the shortlisted candidates for the position of Chief Justice of Kenya to replace Willy Mutunga.

Recently, the lawyer criticised President Uhuru Kenyatta for delaying to appoint the 41 judges.

He said that due to the delay, the backlog of cases has now crippled operations at our courts beyond imagination.

“The courts are now very desperate. Even lawyers and litigants are increasingly becoming desperate.”

The Chief Justice pointed out that a land case filed this year might be heard in 2022, but even other cases, like those to do with the war against corruption have also been severely affected.

Several leaders have eulogised Nzamba including, President Uhuru, Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Chief Justice David Maraga, Deputy President William Ruto, Prof Makau Mutua among others; see tweets

Raila, Uhuru, CJ Maraga lead country in mourning top lawyer Hon Nzamba Kitonga (SC)https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js



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