Nyamira doctors return to work after 133 days on strike

Nyamira doctors return to work after 133 days on strike

Doctors in Nyamira County have called off the strike that had lasted for 133 days. Speaking at the Nyamira County Headquarters after signing a return to work formula agreement with the County Government, Nyanza branch KMPDU chair Kevin Osuri said that they came to an agreement after there demands were addressed by the authorities.

The signing of the agreement was witnessed by the Doctor’s Union Leaders in Nyanza and Nyamira, Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo and the County Secretary Mr. Ntabo. Governor Amos Nyaribo has asked the residents to seek medical services in all Nyamira health facilities for they are now fully operational.

The Governor also called on residents to report any cases of drugs being stolen from Hospitals to be sold by private pharmacies outside the hospital. He noted that those cases have been rampant and have caused a health crisis in Nyamira where Government has procured drugs and they go missing mysterious.

The Governor also added that the County Government is going to set up a toll free number for the residents of Nyamira to be calling any time to register their complaints and report any cases which needs Government’s attention. He said that by residents not speaking out might lead to slow response from Government on matters which are urgent.

Nyamira is in safe hands. Sasa ni wakati wa kazi.

Nyamira doctors return to work after 133 days on strike



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