Influential Homa-bay MCA dumps Hon. Gladys Wanga, says she is corrupt

Influential Homa-bay MCA dumps Hon. Gladys Wanga, says she is corrupt


Ladies and gentlemen, great people of Homa Bay County;

Today, as a representative of the people in our County Legislature, I choose to add my voice to the perrenial assembly woes.

1. Homa Bay County Assembly has been destabilized by the 2022 politics. This began soon after the 2017 elections where some aspirants made it a cash cow for oiling their 2022 campaigns.

2. You all know the relationship between the speaker and one of the candidates, and the fact that she sits in the CASB.

3. You all know that the power struggles within our assembly have been about money for 2022. The speaker and the Clerk are all partisan and allied to a particular gubernatorial candidate.

4. You are all aware that 6 of HBC MCAs were arrested over trumped up charges orchestrated by one of the gubernatorial candidates.

5. The assembly is really divided, only a section of MCAs allied to a particular candidate are selected for trips where they get exaggerated allowances, where others are constantly sidelined.

6. The same gubernatorial aspirant, is now on the last move to fully destroy the reputation of the assembly. Millions have been poured to the MCAs to impeach all CEC Members not allied to her.

7. Last week, the aspirant strategized on how to impeach the County Secretary and the Deputy Governor as the last use and dump strategy for the MCAs.

8. The same aspirant has been thriving in heckling other leaders, running a bit squad, misusing our youth and discrediting anything made in Homa Bay.

I therefore state as follows;

I have today withdrawn my support for any impeachment motion brought before our assembly. Why now? Why not years back or earlier on?

In the words of Polybius, “A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible.” I have repeatedly shared these concerns with Hon. Gladys Wanga – sufficiently informing her that this trend would send her to an unexpected landslide loss.

Coupled with the NGAAF funds misappropriation, the exaggerated NGAAF projects, the Abedo Funds Scam, the mismanagement of the party in the County and the Homa Bay County Women Sacco mess, and after wide consultations and scientific research; It is my informed conclusion to disassociate myself from Gladys Wanga WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.

Moving forward, I will hold further consultations on the candidate to support to steer Homa Bay forward. The elders have told me that Homa Bay must be led by a son/daughter of the soil.

A foreigner can’t hold the resources of this great county in trust of our over one million residents.

God bless Homa Bay. God bless Kenya.
Hon. Nicholas Owaka,
Wuod Flora Nyamboga,
MCA Kosewe Ward

Influential Homa-bay MCA dumps Hon. Gladys Wanga, says she is corrupt



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