How plot by Mt Kenya mafia to dismantle Raila and Ruto backfired, forced to embrace BBI

How plot by Mt Kenya mafia to dismantle Raila and Ruto backfired, forced to embrace BBI

By Omogambi Nyachae

The plan was to use the Ayatollah (Raila) in dismantling William Ruto politically, completely, then once that has been achieved, re-engineer the same-old-story of sowing hatred against the Ayatollah in the Mountain…Kikuyus don’t need a reason to hate him anyway. Stroke of a genius! Eliminating the two most charismatic political operatives by use-and-disuse.

In that plan, once Ruto is out of the picture, the assumption is that the Kalenjins will naturally hate the Ayatollah for his role in decapitating Ruto’s political legs. Then bring Kalonzo and Kambas on board. Soothe the Kalenjins with Gideon Moi…on the pretext that he’s one of them. Time to let-go the Ayatollah…back to opposition politics. Weak, isolated & disoriented.

With the Mt. Kenya, Kalenjin & Kamba regions united, the Ayatollah, old & tired, isolated with Luos only…and pockets of the UNRELIABLE Luhyas & LAZY Mijikenda in Coast, the Kikuyu oligarchs could sit pretty. Winning the presidency has never been that easy!

But they made one mistake: Underestimating William Ruto. By now, they expected to have finished with him. They have NO other trick left in the bag…they’ve used all of them (except assassination….CAN’T DARE). Now they have only one choice: Grabbing power through parliament via BBI. And because Ruto is still a force, they can NOT do away with the Ayatollah, yet.


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