“he punched me severally on my face as my son watched” Raila aide assaulted by by ex- wife’s rogue lawyer

“he punched me severally on my face as my son watched” Raila aide assaulted by by ex- wife’s rogue lawyer

By Silas Jakakimba Via fb

Mr. Duncan Okatch, Advocate, used social media platforms to publicly urge me to comply with a non-existent Court order. He went ahead to post a 45-second video clip on Twitter, taken by the mother of my sons, on May 11th, 2021, capturing myself publicly expressing my strong and legitimate fatherly sentiments against his nefarious attempts to personally come to block me from clearing my son from Riara School.

The reasons for seeking transfer of this minor from the said school, among other Custody, Access and Maintenance Prayers (where he unsuccessfully sought to get the Defendant Kshs. 398,500 per month from The Fisherfolk), were properly prosecuted in court (some captured in attached docs) over a long period of time, and final Judgment and Decrees were issued on April 27th, 2021.

The sad bit is that after Okatch failed to execute his unwelcome move, he went physical on me, fist-punching me severally on my face, causing instant soft tissue injuries to the temporal and orbital regions of my left eye. He did this in full glare of everyone, including the school principal – my son Jakakimba Jr holding to my right hand. His reason was: I refused he could not, as a lawyer, force himself to attend a private meeting both parents were to have with the school principal, Mrs. Naomi Mbugua. Sensing my son would be at risk, the principal whisked him into the office and locked the door, while I remained picking my broken eye glasses and some personal effects, some of which Mrs. Mbugua found later, and sent to me. She promised to send the Clearance Letter, which she did the following day.

I thereafter went for treatment at Nairobi Women’s Hospital, where I was treated and discharged, and later reported the incident at Kilimani Police Station (OB No. 44/12/05/2021). I made a special plea to the OCS Kilimani and his investigative team, to formally seek from Riara School, the CCTV footage capturing the assault incident. This (assault) matter is under active investigations.

As an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Okatch must know that there is no Advocate-Client relationship that could ever give forth to overriding personal interests which can necessitate assault on a parent of a minor at his child’s school. His representation of his client must and can only end in Court. I have never heard anywhere in the world where an Advocate gets so personally vested in a matter, to the extent of physically assaulting a litigant. The matter that has been in court, was filed by myself, his purported client, was the Defendant.

I have made this post to contextualise Okatch’s juvenile outbursts on social media yesterday.

Importantly, I’d want to note that in a world where many men abandon the responsibilities of fatherhood, and many mothers are forced to use the hammer of the law to force men to raise up their children, I have been deliberate that my sons must grow up having no doubts in their minds that I am their father and that I take seriously, my mandate in their lives.

I will never ever, ever – allow, as long as I breath, a dirty man, or all those other funny men around town, to act in any manner whatsoever, to even remotely suggest that they could ‘care’ more about my sons than I do.

As a practising Christian and Nyakwar DORINA for that matter, I am a firm believer that Marriage is a good thing, actually, God’s own idea. Yet I’m also aware, as we all are – that marriages (can sometimes) collapse.

The history of this world until this very moment is replete with countless broken marriages, upon which other new ones still get to germinate and blossom.

Yet this subplot is not enough reason for anyone to assume that my children are his responsibility more than his own children, and afford to beat me up in the delicate presence of my own son, watching – and that whatever associations they may have with divorced women extend to the children whose fathers are capable, desirous and permanently available to protect and manage their present to secure a future for them.

I have battled, and will continue to do so, for that immutable and sacred place of a caring father in the lives of his Blood and Children.

My sons are my eternal Social, Economic and Cultural Responsibility and, no man – can inherit my Sons in my Lifetime.

And, this Responsibility, is inalienable.

J A K A K I M B A.

“he punched me severally on my face as my son watched” Raila aide assaulted by by ex- wife’s rogue lawyer



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