Deep state plan to frustrate ODM revealed, plans to give back Malala senate powerful position

Deep state plan to frustrate ODM revealed, plans to give back Malala senate powerful position

By Dennis Itumbi via FB


The Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau ( HNIB) records the following raw information;

1. Deep State and System have asked The Registrar of Political Parties to write to the Senate Speaker pointing out that there exists a NASA agreement in her office that requires affiliate parties to have a balanced and agreeable approach to legislative appointments.

The letter will then have the Senate Speaker reverse the action against Senator Malala.

Just one problem, there was a Nasa PG, but well the experience is that Deep State does not give a damn about the law and processes

2. The process towards the reversal starts with the #CerelacCoalition Press Confence at 10am today. There will be a demand that Nasa Coalition agreement be honoured by institutions “since it is binding”

3. The next step, #CerelacCoalition will block ODM from fielding a Presidential Candidate in the 2022 elections. A clause in the NASA agreement provides that tge Nasa Agreements remains in force unless Three parties opt out.

The agreement bars ODM from fielding a candidate in the subsequent election.

ODM will however argue an agreement cannot bar it from enjoying its right to political participation as provided by the Constitution.

It is so filed, DECLASSIFIED for use.


Popcorns highly advised..

Deep state plan to frustrate ODM revealed, plans to give back Malala senate powerful position



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