CS Keter sister, relatives in certificate forgery scandal

CS Keter sister, relatives in certificate forgery scandal

A Human Resource manager with Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) has been charged with forgery.

That is just one part of a story that involves a powerful Cabinet Secretary, a Principal Secretary and several relatives and girlfriends.

Energy CS Charles Keter, a former Investigation Officer at defunct Kenya Posts and Telecommunication Corporation (KPTC) once dated a woman. The woman, perhaps jilted might have been the cause of a story that has been told many times with different versions and sequels. That will be addressed in another post.

Keter’s sister Irene Chesang has been charged with faking her Bachelor of Science Degree in International Business Administration from the United States International University Africa (USIU-Africa) and her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate.

Chesang claimed to have been awarded with the degree on June 17, 2000.

Chesang is the wife to Youth and Innovation PS Julius Korir, a former Olympian who represented the country at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles

The accused person who is facing 13 counts of forgery is said to have also forged her undergraduate degree transcripts dated 1997 to 2000.

As for her KCSE certificate, she is said to have forged the document indicating that she sat for exams in 1996.

She allegedly attended school at Solian Girls’ High School in Eldama Ravine Constituency, Baringo County.

Court heard that the accused person presented to Rose Mkalama, one of the agency’s administrators, the fake documents on November 10, 2012 and on January 17, 2013, while seeking the HR position.

She also presented the same documents while seeking promotion to the position of Principal Human Resource Officer on January 31, 2018.

Appearing before Milimani Anti-Corruption Court Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti on Friday, the accused failed to enter her plea as she spent most of the time sobbing.

Plea taking was pushed to Tuesday to give her time to compose herself.

She was also charged with faking a letter from Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB) exempting her from sitting an exam on June 29, 2008.

Chesang is also facing charges of fraud where she is accused of illegally obtaining property owned by the government agency worth Sh10.1 million.

The case has thrust CS Keter in a very uncomfortable situation given he occupies one of the most powerful positions in Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee government and also one of Deputy President William Ruto’s kitchen cabinet.

Ata time when DP Ruto wanted little distraction in his presidential quest next year, this criminal case is in bad light for the DP after he elevated the former Kericho Senator from the legislative position the powerful docket, one of the country best funded ministry’s controlling more than Sh100 billion (as per this year’s budget).

On the other hand, rumours abound, several senior officials in parastastal under Keter’s docket and members of his tribe are to be found with suspicious documentation supporting their job titles.

A week before she was arraigned in court, Chesang is said to have met a senior DPP official handling the case, but, the meeting arranged by a Luo fixer formerly working in DP Ruto’s office George Nengo, The meeting was however cancelled after it leaked to the press and a daily newspaper capturedit in its rumour columns, sending the participants at the meeting scampering.

It is not known what CS Keter’s input in the aborted meeting was, but it is a matter of speculation.

Stay tuned for the send part of this series and read about the brothers Joe Sang and Ben Sang and their involvement in the other big shots in the coverup that did not materialise

CS Keter sister, relatives in certificate forgery scandal



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