CORNERED: DP Ruto forced to support BBI, scared of backlash in Mt Kenya


CORNERED: DP Ruto forced to support BBI, scared of backlash in Mt Kenya

It is obvious Deputy President William Ruto is opposed to BBI constitutional amendment Bill but has been forced to support it for fear of suffering backlash from Mt Kenya votes on whose 2022 campaign is pegged.

Meanwhile DP Ruto on Wednesday offered support to BBI but demanded that the referendum be held in 2022. He led a group of more than 50 elected leaders who issued a statement demanded more changes to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) constitutional amendment Bill in order to reach consensus.

Speaking from the DP’s official Karen residence, the group proposed further amendments to the document saying that the aim was to create a win-win scenario.

Demands made by the group were as follows:
1. BBI referendum funds to be rerouted to Covid-19 response for SMEs and school re-opening
2. Consensus building – the group called for an agreement on the content (what), process (how) and timing (when) of the document. Among the issues to build consensus on were outlined as; outstanding issues on the Judiciary, bloated Legislative arm and affirmative action.
3. BBI referendum to be held in 2022 together with the General Election
4. Referendum to be structured in such a way that Kenyans will be able to vote on amendments to specific articles of the Constitution (multiple choice) as opposed to a “Yes” versus “No” referendum.

CORNERED: DP Ruto forced to support BBI, scared of backlash in Mt Kenya



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