BBI will be back, Uhuru is very powerful- MP Ngunjiri says

BBI will be back, Uhuru is very powerful- MP Ngunjiri says

By Ngunjiri Wambugu via FB


Many people have reached out to me expressing genuine concern about whether today’s judgement adversely affects BBI. I assure all of you that there’s nothing to worry about.

Today’s court decision will ONLY make this weekend a very active one politically. TangaTanga is on cloud 9. We are sure we are okay. Each side will argue it’s position – some will pontificate. Everyone will sound right; like they know. But that’s it. Nothing will actually change.

Because next week this decision will be appealed; and overturned. We will then realise that #BBI has not stopped moving forward. In addition, over the next few days we will also learn exactly what the Judges were trying to do with this judgement; what they hoped to achieve (but wouldn’t). We will learn that this wasn’t actually about the case that was before them in court.

Meanwhile. The facts continue to be that #UhuruKenyatta is Kenya’s President, AND a Kenyan Citizen. Kenya’s County Assemblies & Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favor of BBI. The High Court ruling will be overturned. We will have a Referendum. #BBI will pass. And Ruto will fail.



BBI will be back, Uhuru is very powerful- MP Ngunjiri says



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