BBI may spectacularly come tumbling down if it doesn’t propose radical, realistic solutions to empower poor masses


By Prof Kithure Kindiki via FB

The BBI output is likely to collapse, may spectacularly come tumbling down like a meteor unless it is rich with novel, radical, realistic & practical solutions for empowering the masses, lifting millions of our people from poverty in the shortest time possible & tackling inequality.

The public anger against us leaders & our greed, arrogance and insensitivity to the plight & agony of the people we lead is all over the length & breadth of our Nation. I will wait for it at the Senate, and later follow it to the grassroots or wherever else they take it & I will faithfully do what will defend the public interest no matter what: without fear, favour, malice or malevolence. May the best ideas prevail in the contest that is about to commence.

Viscount K’Owuor:
I’ve been following following you , and of late and you are oozing so much wisdom , typical of people who seek wisdom only when power has left them.
Wisdom never goes away. When you are rich or when you are poor. When you are in a position of power or when power leaves. When in good health, or when you are indisposed. Wisdom will always wait patiently by your side. Ready to serve , if you reach out to it.
Be wise in all seasons . Make wisdom your best friend at all times.

Pamba B Chris:
We don’t expect everyone to support ,it’s your right to oppose at the end majority will have their way. And the document will sail through

John Nyongesa: If all leaders chose to faithfully defend public interest,we would not be having a conversation on BBI and especially on expanding the executive to cater for the tribal/regional chiefs.Lets get rid of this mentality of expansion of executive is empowering the common mwanaichi.

Okumu Modachi:
The masses have been indocrinated in change of political pursuation tactics and techniques since time immemorial that they’ve refused to see the Big Picture. They are going to vote for the BBI regardless!

Caleb Too: The only BBI report I will support is the one which will recommend reduction of mps from 400 to less than 200, do away with the sanate,
do away with the so-called county ministers and chief officers, and one that will create less than14 regional governments to be headed by Governors and maintain the 47 counties to be headed by development boards.

John Wang’ombe:
Aren’t you a beneficiary of the very system you are castigating for Corruption?Now that you want to survive politically you want to present yourself to the very electorate that the system stole their resources as a saint? Don’t play with Kenyans intelligence my friend

BBI may spectacularly come tumbling down if it doesn’t propose radical, realistic solutions to empower poor masses



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