Why MPs passed law to award themselves huge pension; corruption is a lifestyle in public service

Why MPs passed law to award themselves huge pension; corruption is a lifestyle in public service

Photo: Hon Oscar Sudi the MP for Kapseret was named of the MPs who have never contributed in any debate in parliament, the least active MP as per survey conducted by Musalendo

Members of Parliament mostly perform three roles in the national assembly;
1. They cut deals, and increase their remuneration. They then snooze and upon waking up, they repeat the cycle
2. They are also bribed in the toilet to support or oppose bills, regardless of the feelings of their constituents
3. Apart from #2 and #3 above, they also falsify their travel details to fraudulently claim millions in mileage

After this sterling performance, they now want to be paid 100k every month in pension, upon rejection at the ballot which they call retirement, until they die or the Jewish magician comes back, whichever comes first
100k is the equivalent of the cumulative salaries of 13 ECD teachers in Kakamega County. You now know why an election is a stampede to the eating table, and so a matter of life and death, and as we speak there are guys doing door to door campaigns as if the voting will be happening tomorrow

Bon Omondi adds:
The idiots have taken us for fools. They’ve continuously reviewed their salaries astronomically upwards on the pretext that they don’t get pension. Now they want the pension. They all joined the profession knowing too well it’s job description. Wananchi must resist this move by whatever it takes.

So kazi mtaani cash has also vamoosed into the thin air some 310 shillings has mysteriously disappeared from what would be 400 shillings per day per person to a paltry 90 shillings. When will Kenyans be angry enough?
Didn’t I tell you that for someone to ride your back, you must first bend, Isn’t it time to stand erect?

In other news, the only fair method that can be used to distribute the 316 billion, meant for the counties, is by dividing the amount among all adult citizens, and sending them their share via MPESA
All these suggested formulae will only see the money end up building malls for a selected few, as the hoi polloi suffocate in chronic poverty and non delivery of critical services

By Jerome Ogola via FB

Why MPs passed law to award themselves huge pension; corruption is a lifestyle in public service



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