Scholarships for international short trainings, apply Now!

Scholarships for international short trainings, apply Now!

International Training Programmes (ITP) are short to medium-term, intensive, interactive, and practical training organised at a university or university college in Belgium/Flanders.

The training target participants from 31 scholarship countries with relevant professional experience in the ITP’s subject and who will be able to transfer the obtained knowledge and skills to a wider audience in their home countries.

We provide 12 scholarships per ITP programme. If any applications are open, you can find them here.

Who can receive an ITP scholarship?

You can only apply for an ITP scholarship if you meet the following requirements:

Nationality and country of residence:  A candidate should be both a national and a resident of one of the 31 eligible countries (not necessarily the same country) at the time of the application.
Relevant professional experience and a support letter: Priority is given to candidates who are employed in academic institutions, research institutes, governments, the social economy or NGOs, or to those who aim to have a career in one of these sectors. The training candidate should have relevant professional experience and a support letter confirming (re)integration in a professional context where the acquired knowledge and skills will be immediately applicable.

Fungibility with other VLIR-UOS funding: Candidates who are working at a university where we already fund IUC, TEAM or SI projects, can receive an ITP-ICP scholarship if they clearly motivate the reason for their application and if they clarify why the participation at the ICP or ITP programme cannot be funded as part of the IUC, TEAM or SI programme or project funds that already exist.

 Other VLIR-UOS scholarship applications and previously awarded scholarships: A potential candidate can only submit one scholarship application with us per year – irrespective of the scholarship type – and can, therefore, only be selected for one VLIR-UOS scholarship every year.

Candidates who already received one of our scholarships to participate in another ITP, will not be eligible. Candidates who already received one of our scholarships to participate in an ICP (or vice versa) can only be selected if the previously attended course is thematically linked to the ITP.
What is the application procedure?
Check the eligibility criteria for an ITP scholarship.

For more information on which criteria you should meet in order to apply for an ITP scholarship, check out the previous section on ‘Who can receive an ITP scholarship?’.

Apply for a training programme of your choice.

To apply for an ITP scholarship, you first need to apply for one of the available training programmes. Follow the guidelines for application on the programme´s website. You can be the links to all the programmes’ websites here.

Mention as part of your training application that you wish to apply for a scholarship.
Applications that candidates submit directly to our organisation, will not be taken into consideration.
You can only apply for one training programme per year.

The dates of application are determined by the programme. Check the ITP list for more details.

We receive the selection results of the programme.

The programme organisers will contact the selected candidates as well as the candidates on the waiting list by e-mail.

Which costs are covered by the scholarship?

We only provide scholarships for the full duration of the training programme. It is not possible to apply for a partial scholarship.

The detailed current amounts and more information on the different allowances can be found in the document ‘Allowances and guidelines for VLIR-UOS scholarships’.

Scholarship amounts can change at any time in line with the decisions of the funding government.

Scholarships for international short trainings, apply Now!



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