Dear Hon Mwaura, please leave Uhuru alone, Raila rescued you from Kwashikor and tapeworms, grow up

Dear Hon Mwaura, please leave Uhuru alone, Raila rescued you from Kwashikor and tapeworms, grow up

Photo: Hon Isaac Mwaura and President Uhuru. It is Raila Odinga who rescued him from poverty, at the time he was suffering ringowrms, he made him an advisor in the prime minister officer and later nominated him to parliament.

Just like Ole Sankok, Isaac Mwaura struggled against all odds to attain higher education, but the one qualification that he peddles around to get opportunities is his disability and not his academic papers

Mwaura, now sensationally claims that he has pitched tent at Tangatanga, for “political survival”. There is nothing wrong with that, as everyone must strategize how to remain afloat

What I find bizarre is his tendency of hiking a ride of bigwig’s back. Once he achieves his Cannan, he jumps off while spewing insults and talking sewage

He first hiked a lift on Rayila’s back. It is Jakom who created him politically, fresh from Kenyatta University. At some point he discovered that Rayila’s back was uncomfortable enough, probably from the bruises inflicted by the caning of that Kinango man
He jumped off to seek another lift on Uhuru’s back. Apparently, on his own parameters, which could be faulty, he has forecasted that since the son of Ichaweri is staggering politically, he may go down, with a thud any time

He has opted to jump off and direct he has gone for a ride on Bwana Wheelbarrow’s back, partly because he is the only bigwig too willing to bend for anyone to ride his back

Mwaura knows the DP needs the Kikuyu vote more tan he needs anything in his life, not even his wife. A Kikuyu politician who supports the DP has a higher premium, is assured of more stakes at tangatanga than the Khalwale’s and other acrobats from elsewhere

Ridding on Ruto’s back isn’t sufficient. Mwaura must also shout from the back, and make as much noise as it can be possible to be noticed. He knows too well, that even if Ruto doesn’t win presidency, his party will be one of the largest and a nomination is assured,on basis of his number one qualification, his disability

It is survival and Mwaura knows his disability will unlock all closed doors for him

By Jerome Ogola via FB

Dear Hon Mwaura, please leave Uhuru alone, Raila rescued you from Kwashikor and tapeworms, grow up



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