“This lady is finally giving me a child” – journalist recounts


“This lady is finally giving me a child” – journalist recounts

By private Socrates via fb

The day after tomorrow,
My girlfriend Laura will be delivering our first child.
I have checked her in, at The Karen hospital, Maternity wing.

To be very honest with you my dear reader, I am excited, a little bit nervous, but entirely reflective.

Bearing a child with Laura has been the biggest honor of my life. Laura has loved me for reals. I am the only man she has loved remembering. I am the only man she has loved experiencing. And yet still, I am the only man she still loves to look foward to. For me, every time I looked at Laura, it’s like I was seeing her for the first time. Her personality always sets my soul on fire. Our relationship has been sustained by spontaneity, guided by honesty and spiced with a generous amount of openness.

This lady is finally giving me a child. A son.
It’s only natural that I write this letter to my unborn son. It’s only natural that ‘he’ knows what I think about him. It’s also important that I let him know of my fears and my ultimate hopes of being that dad. Much as we have not met, I want to write to him and duly inform him of the man I am. My fantasies, my view points, my weaknesses and finally, just how I am prepared to be a dad to him.

My dear unborn son,

As I write this, I am at a local joint, taking a few shots of fairly aged tequila. I am both typsy and in love. Yes, in love with your mother Laura. As at the time you will be born, your mum won’t be my wife yet. She’s still my girlfriend. I haven’t paid dowry yet. Both your mum’s parents and my parents are strict and perfect Christians. I know they will question why we got you without a formal wedding; or at least introductions.. But trust me son, mummy and I are prepared to handle that.

Worry not.

When you entered Laura’s womb, both her and I weren’t prepared. We were never really geared for the task. Yet Supringly, we felt complete and blessed with you being part of us. Feeling you kick inside my girlfriend’s womb has been the biggest orgasm ever. You made her skin glow, you made her feel complete and mature. You brought true happiness.

We can hardly wait for you to enter our world. I can’t wait to hold you in my big arms and exchange with you that man to man breathe. This is because I know you are a designer’s original. A creation from the king. Most importantly, you are a testament that indeed the love we shared with Laura was indeed genuine, ordained and for reals.

But son, here are a few things I need you to know as you enter this good old earth.

I want you to know that the first day of your life, will be the best day of mine. And that your little baby feet will always leave the best foot prints in my heart. I also want you to know that time flies and that soon, you will be a Young fine boy. Then a young man. Then boom; a man. Just like me here. I want you to know that maturity doesn’t come with age, but with the acceptance of personal responsibility. When you become an adolescent and girls from your class begin to give you those looks, may I inform you that the best way to get their attention is not to give them yours.

My unborn son, you are being born In a cruel world.
You are being born during an unforgiving pandemic. An unresponsive economy, a divided human race and a clouded future for the mankind family.
Son, for you to navigate this tough world, you must try as much as possible to be yourself always. Always make your hands dirty only with honest labour and always treat all with respect and a golden smile.
Finally my unborn son, you have to be a man first, before you become a gentleman. Composure, intelligence and God, is what will differentiate whether you are a man, or a gentleman.

Laura and I love you, and will protect you forever.
See you soon, when you born.


“This lady is finally giving me a child” – journalist recounts



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