She cheated on you. You have 100% evidence. Give her a second chance!

She cheated on you. You have 100% evidence. Give her a second chance!

Photo: Top girls Michele Ntalami, Makena and Siri hit maker Fena at a past function

Give her a second chance
She cheated on you. You have 100% evidence. Give her a second chance. No matter the pain, give restitution and reconciliation a chance. If he doesn’t have a mistress, give him a chance to reform from an extra marital affair. While betrayal is very painful, no sin is beyond forgiveness. We are all products of forgiveness. We have all sinned (Rom 3:23). Let’s draw a clear line between falling in sin and living in sin.

1 John 3:6,9 – No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

I know seasoned hypocrites are set to stone me now to display their righteousness in public. If you want to divorce on grounds of adultery, you have both legal and biblical right. So, don’t bother quote to me scriptures about adultery and divorce from the Holy Bible – I know them. I’ve dug deep in this subject. But the same Bible that allows us to divorce on account of extra marital affairs gives repentance and forgiveness a chance.

People who lived adulterous lives met Jesus and He forgave them all. Jesus did not come to condemn us (John 3:17). For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Since we all sin, Jesus asked us to repent daily as we pray. And to forgive those who sin against us seventy times seven times. Has your partner sinned 70 X 7 times? If you don’t forgive others, you’ll not be forgiven (Matt 6:14-15). Marriage is a union of endless forgiveness.

But the provision of forgiveness is not a license to live in sin. If you are the victim of the forbidden fruit, repent on your knees without defending or justifying your extra affair. Cultivate confidence in your partner by reforming your way of life. Resolve to live in absolute accountability and transparency to rebuild trust. Disclosing at any given time, where you are, with who, doing what. Account for all your money – receivables and expenses. Disclose the passwords for all your communication systems and platforms.

Then close that chapter for good and forgive yourself. God has already forgiven you. He forgives us ALL the sins we confess (1 John 1:7-9). Don’t ever be guilty again. That whisper of guilt is from the enemy. You’ve been set free from your sin by Christ (John 8:36). Who is that to bring charge to the one God has forgiven (Rom 8:33-34)? If you’re a child of God, ALL your sins, past, present and future, were judged on Jesus on the cross.

By DR. K. N. JACOB via FB

She cheated on you. You have 100% evidence. Give her a second chance!



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