Fake doctor lied to me when I needed help for my son

Fake doctor lied to me when I needed help for my son

My son Robin was one of the brightest and most promising child out of all his siblings in school. Since kindergarten, he always came top in his class and ensured that he maintained his first position throughout his academic endeavors.

With his excellent and good grades, he managed to join one of the largest and well known university in Kenya. Everybody in the family was so happy about Robin being the first man in the family to graduate with a first class honours, we all knew he would not find any trouble in securing a well-paying job.

Sadly life after school wasn’t so easy for Robin as we thought it would be, for eight years he moved to different cities looking for any hustle he could find but none of his efforts bore any fruits, even Nairobi the big city considered by so many as a jackpot and place of opportunities could not offer Robin a chance.

Eventually after so many interviews with no response, I decided to intervene by taking Robin to a man who proclaimed to be a prophet of God to help him acquire a well-paying job of his own liking. A colleague from work initially referred me to the man claiming that he was good at what he does.

Weeks after visiting the man of God, my son’s life became more miserable, he was no longer invited for any interviews like before, he even started suffering from strange diseases from time to time. Apparently the self-proclaimed prophet of God was a hornswoggle who left nothing but curses on my son’s life.

I couldn’t continue seeing my son struggling so I began an abrade for the best herbalist to intervene on his cause. Luckily,one fine Wednesday evening, I came across an advert on facebook about a powerful herbalist known as Doctor Mugwenu.Without wasting any second, I made a quick call to him through his number+254740637248 and informed him of my son’s problem. Doctor Mugwenu quickly made a consultation for me and revealed that my son was bewitched by the man who tried to make an intervention for him.

He then performed a consultation for my son to break the curse that was placed on him.
With Doctor Mugwenu’s spell, my son was able to secure a job as a senior relationship manager at one of the biggest corporate bank in Kenya. He has been able to build a big bungalow for me and is currently sponsoring his other siblings’ education.

Doctor Mugwenu, a worldwide known herbalist can be reached through the number +254740637248 at any time. He possess skills in metaphysical healing, psychic skills, divination and foretelling through ancestors and forefathers within the traditional and native settings. Among his many skills are wining court cases, winning lotteries, promotion at work, enhancing failing business, and protection of family’s property such as land.

His expertise in mixing herbs helps in healing diseases such as ulcers, TB, typhoid, syphilis, hypertension, gonorrhea, epilepsy etc. Many others who have been assisted by Doctor Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now living the best days of their healthy lives.

He also solves life problems that include; love issues, saves marriages, stops cheating in relationships, and enhances a couple’s romance life.

Doctor Mugwenu not only offers traditional healing and herbal services, he is also a self-professed spell caster with powers to fight off demons, get rid of bad scary dreams, protects haunted houses, breaking voodoo spells and many others.

His ability to foretell the future is 100% accurate.
For more information and enquiries, you can reach him through:
Call: +254740637248
Email:[email protected]
Or visit his website on http//mugwenudoctors.com

Fake doctor lied to me when I needed help for my son



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