Why democrats led by Joe Biden are struggling to defeat open racist Donald Trump


By Wandia Njoya via FB

The Democratic Party and their friends across the pond, Labour, are mad. They think they can win elections by presenting softer and more bourgeois versions of the conservative right. So these liberals wage a vicious war against progressives (and conservatives happily watch as liberals do the work conservatives should do), and then the liberals go to the voters and ask them to pick the liberals over the conservatives. But why should a voter go for a softer, posher and clearly hypocritical version of what they are getting from a racist bufoon on the right spewing bravado in the name of God?

The Democrats made a bad bargain with Biden, made more voters turn out for Trump, and now the result is still too close to call.
And progressives warned that this would happen. In the 60s, Fanon, Malcolm X and Steve Biko warned that liberals were more insidious than blatant racists. How did we forget those lessons?

And dear bots, I have time to block and delete. Shame on you. Cambridge Analytica was in Kenya too. I know the game.


Albert Binale
: Why should politicos on two different shores be lideologically linked?It goes back to 1774.As George Washington declared independence of the American British colony he was loosing battle after battle in the war of independence.The French and the Spanish had been handily beaten-their treasuries were now empty after wasting money funding George Washington.The British Prime minister got a brainwave.How can Britain be depopulated through migration to the new lands?He asked himself.
In 1784,a cease-fire was signed and the USA formally became an extension of the UK.Since then US politics has been a mirror reflection of the British.

Litambe Lilaye Lisambale: Doktari,nothing is “still too close to call” here.Biden will win by more than 4m votes as well as over 280 colleges.It’s a sealed deal!

Peter Monda: It should be extreme vs Extreme. What Democrats did can be compared to two bullies,one saying he might beat you up and another promising to definitely beat you up. The victim knows he will be beaten up and sees no difference. Fear of mentioning the extreme beliefs creates fake liberals if at all they exist.

Kiama Mwathi
: … In the 60s, Fanon, Malcolm X and Steve Biko warned that liberals were more insidious than blatant racists. How did we forget those lessons?….clinton and obama gave less funds to black universties, trump gave more. Bush gave more funds for aids in africa thus turning the tide on the fight against aids in africa, obama gave nothing. Obama destroyed stable governments in egypt, tunisia and libya…look where they are now…totally destroying peace in that region. more blacks were killed by police during obama

Paul Ogola: My ow opinion Dr. If it wasn’t for the electral college, the race isn’t too close to call, Fyi!
4years of Trump drew a very clear line between racist Americans and every other American. In this election, it was ”too close to call” because racists are still as much as liberals! It is shocking to the world but it makes sense thanks to Trump (I didn’t just say that). Biden, yes he has had a bad past with laws that saw many black men in jail for long due to drug offences, he admitted it, and so is Kamala Harris in CA responsible for minority people doing time! Can you compare the two parties candidates no you cannot, you can only hold each of them responsible for what they did by putting their actions to the weighing scale then choose the one who doesn’t deep!
Joe Biden is in the process of redeeming himself and I am sure he will do some good as the damage in USA is big already.

Why democrats led by Joe Biden are struggling to defeat open racist Donald Trump



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