We are tired of being used, is like we are his slaves- Kalenjin MP protests DP Ruto tricks

We are tired of being used, is like we are his slaves- Kalenjin MP protests DP Ruto tricks


I know you’ll crucify me, but I must speak the truth because that’s the only thing that will set me free.

Let me just make a comprehensive statement about this tangatanga fund drives. William Ruto always make a pledge and give an assignment to raise the money.

For instance in Ndanai, Ruto pledged some millions and gave me an assignment to raise the money something that has been harassing us as tangatanga lawmakers, because how can someone expect me to take the NG_CDF funds and contribute on his behalf.

The boda boda guys did a demonstration today in Sotik Constituency without a symmetrical information concerning how William Ruto does his harambees. To clarify this, Ruto goes to Mt. Kenya and Western regions with cash but comes to Rift Valley with pledges, WHY? Furthermore, the money he’s dishing comes from us.

The previous scenario is when Ruto was in Nyamira County, I injected a lot of my personal wealth to ferry multitude of youth and same boda boda businessmen.

By Hon koskei

We are tired of being used, is like we are his slaves- Kalenjin MP protests DP Ruto tricks



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