Uhuru only needs 6% of Kikuyu votes for Raila to be President BUT Ruto needs 97% of GEMA votes to win

Uhuru only needs 6% of Kikuyu votes for Raila to be President BUT Ruto needs 97% of GEMA votes to win

By Mutahi Ngunyi
Raila had 44% of the VOTE in 2013 and 2017. It is still INTACT. Uhuru needs 6% of GEMA to make Raila President. This is half of KIAMBU or AKORINO women ONLY. Uhuru DOES NOT NEED Kikuyus. In fact, 84% of GEMA can follow RUTO if they want to. And they will still FAIL! Simple MATH.

Andrew Muiga adds:
While speaking to France 24 President Uhuru Kenyatta remained non committal on whether he will support his deputy in 2022.
Now that should not be one of Rutos worries, if anything he has seen it coming. His main worry should be how to retain the Kikuyu votes that Jubilee got 100%. Yes, Kikuyu votes are the king maker.

In the past the dislike ( I would have used “hate” but it’s such a strong word) for Raila Odinga and in extension the Luo has been used to whip the Kikuyu to vote as a block. That dislike/fear has been partly cured by the handshake.
Ruto has been attempting to replace the “dislike” with the hustler narrative to galvanize and retain the Kikuyu vote, but this too won’t sell a hundred percent.

The deputy presidents main worry should be if a situation arises where Raila Odinga doesn’t run but instead he and UHURU Kenyatta decide to support a compromise candidate, someone with very little or nothing to dislike him for, someone like Mdavadi or Kibutha Kibwana.
William Ruto better keep those wheelbarrows coming to central Kenya day and night without fail or him getting tired lest he turns his back for a second and finds us being entertained by another “more clean” suitor.
The Gíkúyú love cleanliness.

Uhuru only needs 6% of Kikuyu votes for Raila to be President BUT Ruto needs 97% of GEMA votes to winhttps://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js



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