Uganda: Ground vitu ni different, Bobi Wine nets forgotten masses, brewing a revolution

Uganda: Ground vitu ni different, Bobi Wine nets forgotten masses, brewing a revolution

By Onyango Ochieng Jr via FB

This man has written his name on the stars. Unlike Besigye and Museveni who mainly attract the educated middle-class, Bobi is attracting the forgotten man. The man and woman at the end of economic rung. In him, they see a genuine Messiah.
True, considering historical baggage and accidental similarities of both Museveni and Besigye. Both childhood friends. Both from the West. Both having dated the same woman. Both heroes of the bush war. Both from the military!

Incidences that make Bobi sounds like a brand new toy, exciting every kid to come out and play. He excites some enthusiasm only seen in fiery Malema and Blé Goudé of those days in the Ivory Coast.

Don’t get me wrong; Museveni is as corrupt as any armed robber roaming the silence of night darkness; as corrupt as the Chief Accountant of Satan. While Besigye is brilliant, scholarly and erudite but disfavored with time. I believe in the next 10 years, the gods of political momentum will befriend Besigye at 71years.

If you wonder the spell-binding persona of Bobi to the common man; sample this:
UNESCO puts adult literacy in Uganda at 76.53%, while available data from UBoS on employment in 2016 states that 13.67 Million of Ugandans in the working-age (14-64 years) are working in the informal sector. That’s 98% of the working-age! World Bank 2020 report paints a sickening picture.

Among the reasons for this are endemic corruption, cartel capture, and systemic impunity. Well-established people around Museveni and NRM take over some of the initiatives aimed at addressing informalities for example the modern market stalls, grabbing, thus DRIVING majority BACK to informality.

As such, Bobi is stealing the thunder, like greek Prometheus. Turning into the People’s WINE.
Bobi is seen as the Comforter of Last Resort by the tired; the hopeless; the sick; the weak; the depressed; and the huddled masses who feel that if a child was to repeat school for 34 years and still want to repeat again because there is something he forgot to do! That child is a SERIAL CONMAN.

This is why, you are seeing teachers, boxers, musicians defecting with their NRM shirts to People Power. It will even get interesting in the coming days as more lower-end of expert groups cross-over to this Mustard Tree called NUP headed by BOBI WINE.
A good WINE they say; NEEDS no BUSH

Uganda: Ground vitu ni different, Bobi Wine nets forgotten masses, brewing a revolution



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