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Thinking about grace, gratitude and entitlement……..


Thinking about grace, gratitude and entitlement……..

By Silas Nyanchwani via FB

The last 24 hours I have been thinking about grace, gratitude and entitlement.
I was thinking about it because of the privilege I have had this year to have two key people in my life who in every way, God sent to my life.
Over the years, gratitude became a rare virtue amongst us. It has been replaced by a certain entitlement. We now have entitled family members. Entitled lovers. Entitled friends.

I must admit that for a period in my life, I felt entitled towards certain friends and people around me. I felt they had an obligation to rescue me from myself. Not sure where this period of weakness came from, because ever since I was a child I always knew nobody owed me anything and everything favour I received was because people’s graces as directed by God.

Then for about two years I was mistaken and it is a period I regret because entitlement breeds a certain complacency where you blame your misfortunes on everyone but yourself.

There are people when they borrow money from you for instance and you tell them you don’t have, they grumble and think you are cheating them. Yet, you will never be an adult until you understand that even people you think have money can be broke or can have commitments. Your emergency is not their priority. And if they do have, the choice to give you is their prerogative. And you have no right to be mad, call him or her a fake friend and do the usual manipulation that “you are waiting for me to die so that you can contribute more.”
I unlearned my entitlement to people’s love, time, resources and favours. In place of entitlement I relearned how to be grateful. And gracious.

See grace is a powerful thing to possess in your heart. And you can learn grace.
We survive on God’s grace. Something Apostle Paul talks a great deal in his letters. Once we have God’s grace in us, we extend to ourselves and to others.

And then we become individually responsible responsible to ourselves and know that the power to change and transform ourselves resides in us. And when we get help of any kind it is because of the grace of others. Not because we deserve. And when we give out lives to others it is also because of grace. We don’t buy reciprocity. We don’t barter good deeds for something. It is natural to expect gratitude from those we extend help to, but often it is never forthcoming.

So, guys, if your elder sibling comes through for you, it is not because he is obliged by consanguinity to help you. There are so many people with elder siblings who are better off who never come through for them. Be gracious. And when they don’t help you, don’t grumble be bitter.

If you have friends in high places and they don’t come through for you, understand it can because of certain constraints before you judge and say people change. It is natural to feel a certain way towards them. But unlearn those feelings.
Be responsible for yourself first. Extend your grace to others. Be grateful when you get help from others.
And with that, we sing and internalise John newton’s Amazing grace and may the day break.

Thinking about grace, gratitude and entitlement……..


UDA candidate won the Kiambaa by elections by a nose


By Jerome Ogola

UDA candidate won the Kiambaa by elections by a nose
JUBILEE candidate won the Muguga by elections by the skin of a tooth
Whereas Jubilee saved it’s behind from an UDA flogging in Muguga, in Kiambaa, UDA did save it’s sitting allowances from a thorough spanking by Jubilee

I see indeed we serve a living Wanyonyi. Remember prior, we had prayed and fasted for a divided mountain
From the elections results, it is safe to conclude that the mountain is divided right in the middle

Remember, the prevailing Jubilee ineptitude is a product of a united mountain. When the mountain unites, Kenya loses BIG
The mountain is now split in the middle like the buttocks of a homo sapien. We thank Wanyonyi for answering our prayers
Remember, Mulembe set the pace for this. They are ever divided and that the exact ingredient Kenya needs to develop
The only impediment to Kenya’s deliverance is the lake and the valley

Guys from the valley are still hoisting wheelbarrows in markets, and looking at it, like Israelites did with the “nyoka ya shaba” while naively imagining their salvation will come from it

Guys from the shores of Nam Lolwe have become the proverbial house fly that follows a corpse to the grave
Two decades of feeding on oranges without any tangible benefits, the lake isn’t yet convinced that the fruit has become their albino elephant, that which they invest so much in, but gets nothing in return

Thank you mountain for dividing yourself. It is all Kenya needs and redemption is nigh. Remember, the machinations of the Kikuyu hegemony has never been of benefit to the hoi polloi of the region, but the oligarchs who call the shots

The masses wake up to the same challenges as every Kenyan, without any reprieve for “being in the government”, whatever that means
Otherwise, congratulations Ciku for winning in Kiambaa and congratulations (I’ve forgotten his name) for winning Muguga

For those who have no idea what Nam Lolwe is, it is that huge mass of water that straddles the frontiers of three countries, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, that which British explorer John Hanning Speke came, asked the locals for directions, found his way there, and even found my grandfather Adoyo swimming in it’s un-poluted water, but stil went ahead to discover it and named it Lake Victoria, in honor of an aging granny from his home
Good morning my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!

UDA candidate won the Kiambaa by elections by a nose


THE CURSE of a president coming from your community; case of Baringo and Mt Kenya


By Jerome Ogola via FBtrong>
PRESIDENCY belongs to a community and it is worthy to fight tooth and nail, just to bring it home. It is worth, to invest your emotions in it

It is worthy to hate and even attack your a fellow poor man, from the other tribe, so that the rich man from your tribe can win the seat
For 24 years Moi, was the president of Kenya. An imperial president with absolute power
Indeed his community gained so much

His home county, Baringo, is the wealthiest in poverty. It is the ancestral home of famine and the headquarters of banditry in the world and the official residence of malaria

The terrain is hostile for human habitation because it lacks infrastructure and amenities that can drive development
There are more tears than water, which is scarce and health facilities are almost non existent
KCC the milk processor which bought farmers milk to earn farmers a livelihood was defiled to death, under Moi’s own supervision
The only people who benefited from his tenure are his immediate family members, who accumulated much to last them eons, without breaking a sweat to toil

Someome joked and it could be true, that Moi is the only person with a bank ATM in his home
He even owns a bridge called Moi’s Bridge, making him the only person in the world to own one
Let no one mislead you that, that you are in the government. That’s a fallacy. It is only the leader, and his wife and mistresses, who are in the government

Stop hallucinating that you are in when you are out, in fact, far away, in the bushes where like everyone else, you are very vulnerable to hyenas called the effects of poor governance ocassioned by your tribesman

You don’t need your tribesman to be president because only a statesman will have an impact on your life. Sadly, I can’t see any statesman, since our only hope, Mukhisa Kituyi, our only hope, launched his veined manifesto

We on our own. It is a matter of choosing which hyena to eat you!
End of the morning rant
Great morning my fellow hoof eaters!!

THE CURSE of a president coming from your community; case of Baringo and Mt Kenya


“Your brain is empty and your constituents need change”, MP Oscar Sudi blasted


By Buzeki Bundotich via FB


Dear Oscar Kipchumba Sudi ,

I am baffled by your juvenile assessment and conclusion on leaders with divergent opinions within your imagined political enclave.

UDA is being projected as a National Party yet you are burning the midnight oil to localise and tribalise it.

A National Party has ability to have supporters from all over the Country and at the same time have those with divergent opinions from across the Country including its perceived strongholds.

Political support is won through convincing policies and persuasive aproach. Chest thumping, empty threats are zinjatrophic and retrogressive. Let’s for once respect the electorate and present to them issue based contest where ideologies and manifestos compete.

Hiding behind a political wave is immoral and non productive to the Community we represent.

I urge you to read your post again, and may be this time round loudly or get someone to read and interpret it for you. You may be able to see and listen to the contradiction within it.

You have indicated that Kenya is a democratic state with freedom of association. If indeed you understood that statement then where is the problem with divergent opinions? The decision of the voters is ultimate.

As your team attempts to present national outlook, kindly control your raw emotions from revealing the contents of your brain which indeed are wanting. I feel for the great people of Kapsaret. By your recent outburst, they honestly deserve change. Your time is ultimately over. You have reached cul de sac.


#taikofront ????????


“Your brain is empty and your constituents need change”, MP Oscar Sudi blasted


By Buzeki Bundotich via FB


Dear Oscar Kipchumba Sudi ,

I am baffled by your juvenile assessment and conclusion on leaders with divergent opinions within your imagined political enclave.

UDA is being projected as a National Party yet you are burning the midnight oil to localise and tribalise it.

A National Party has ability to have supporters from all over the Country and at the same time have those with divergent opinions from across the Country including its perceived strongholds.

Political support is won through convincing policies and persuasive aproach. Chest thumping, empty threats are zinjatrophic and retrogressive. Let’s for once respect the electorate and present to them issue based contest where ideologies and manifestos compete.

Hiding behind a political wave is immoral and non productive to the Community we represent.

I urge you to read your post again, and may be this time round loudly or get someone to read and interpret it for you. You may be able to see and listen to the contradiction within it.

You have indicated that Kenya is a democratic state with freedom of association. If indeed you understood that statement then where is the problem with divergent opinions? The decision of the voters is ultimate.

As your team attempts to present national outlook, kindly control your raw emotions from revealing the contents of your brain which indeed are wanting. I feel for the great people of Kapsaret. By your recent outburst, they honestly deserve change. Your time is ultimately over. You have reached cul de sac.


#taikofront ????????????


“Your brain is empty and your constituents need change”, MP Oscar Sudi blasted


By Buzeki Bundotich via FB


Dear Oscar Kipchumba Sudi ,

I am baffled by your juvenile assessment and conclusion on leaders with divergent opinions within your imagined political enclave.

UDA is being projected as a National Party yet you are burning the midnight oil to localise and tribalise it.

A National Party has ability to have supporters from all over the Country and at the same time have those with divergent opinions from across the Country including its perceived strongholds.

Political support is won through convincing policies and persuasive aproach. Chest thumping, empty threats are zinjatrophic and retrogressive. Let’s for once respect the electorate and present to them issue based contest where ideologies and manifestos compete.

Hiding behind a political wave is immoral and non productive to the Community we represent.

I urge you to read your post again, and may be this time round loudly or get someone to read and interpret it for you. You may be able to see and listen to the contradiction within it.

You have indicated that Kenya is a democratic state with freedom of association. If indeed you understood that statement then where is the problem with divergent opinions? The decision of the voters is ultimate.

As your team attempts to present national outlook, kindly control your raw emotions from revealing the contents of your brain which indeed are wanting. I feel for the great people of Kapsaret. By your recent outburst, they honestly deserve change. Your time is ultimately over. You have reached cul de sac.


#taikofront ????????????


Breaking News: LSK President Nelson Havi Arrested by Police, here are the reasons WHY…


Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Nelson Havi was arrested on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, by officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Speaking to kenyagist.com, Havi confirmed that he was in the custody of detectives at the DCI headquarters along Kiambu road.

This comes after LSK Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mercy Wambua filed an assault complaint with the police against Havi. Wambua told police that the LSK president assaulted her during a meeting held on Monday, July 12.

But according to Citizen Digital, Havi dismissed the allegations accusing the CEO of forcing her way into the boardroom a meeting was ongoing. He further alleged that Wambua wanted to record the proceedings.

The assault allegations came barely two days after Havi and Wambua were engaged in a fierce verbal exchange further deepening the wrangles in the LSK.

On Friday, July 9 Havi stated in a press statement that Wambua was preventing plans for a proposed audit on the use of allocated funds allocated to the society.

Havi accused Wambua of being in office illegally and colluding with financial institutions to deny members statements of expenditure.

The LSK President further claimed that Wambua failed to alter signatories to banks in which accounts of the society are registered.

According to Havi, the society’s efforts to access bank statements were frustrated and this consequently compromised the planned internal audit.

It is alleged that this failure could be traced to deliberate acts by Wambua. A previous conclusion by members to have her on compulsory leave failed as she rebuffed instructions to vacate office.

Havi claimed that the CEO had made over Ksh70 million worth of transactions devoid of both standard procedure and the approval of members.

He further alleged that Wambua operated a mobile pay bill number through which millions of shillings were received without the council’s knowledge, further alluding to the rogue nature of operations.

Breaking News: LSK President Nelson Havi Arrested by Police, here are the reasons WHY…


Breaking News: LSK President Havi Arrested


Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Nelson Havi was arrested on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, by officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Speaking to kenyagist.com, Havi confirmed that he was in the custody of detectives at the DCI headquarters along Kiambu road.

This comes after LSK Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mercy Wambua filed an assault complaint with the police against Havi. Wambua told police that the LSK president assaulted her during a meeting held on Monday, July 12.

But according to Citizen Digital, Havi dismissed the allegations accusing the CEO of forcing her way into the boardroom a meeting was ongoing. He further alleged that Wambua wanted to record the proceedings.

The assault allegations came barely two days after Havi and Wambua were engaged in a fierce verbal exchange further deepening the wrangles in the LSK.

On Friday, July 9 Havi stated in a press statement that Wambua was preventing plans for a proposed audit on the use of allocated funds allocated to the society.

Havi accused Wambua of being in office illegally and colluding with financial institutions to deny members statements of expenditure.

The LSK President further claimed that Wambua failed to alter signatories to banks in which accounts of the society are registered.

According to Havi, the society’s efforts to access bank statements were frustrated and this consequently compromised the planned internal audit.

It is alleged that this failure could be traced to deliberate acts by Wambua. A previous conclusion by members to have her on compulsory leave failed as she rebuffed instructions to vacate office.

Havi claimed that the CEO had made over Ksh70 million worth of transactions devoid of both standard procedure and the approval of members.

He further alleged that Wambua operated a mobile pay bill number through which millions of shillings were received without the council’s knowledge, further alluding to the rogue nature of operations.

Breaking News: LSK President Havi Arrested


PM Raila leaks his 2022 manifesto, shocks DP Ruto who is chasing wind in Mt Kenya region


By Raila Odinga via FB

Transforming Kenya from a poor to a prosperous country will require a very deliberate focus on turning around the fortunes of rural Kenya.

As Prime Minister, I championed slum upgrading as a means of ensuring those fleeing rural areas do not end up in more deplorable urban dwellings.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has championed urban regeneration especially in his second term.

Going forward, and to ensure a more balanced growth, Urban Regeneration will need to go hand in hand with a very deliberate policy of Rural Transformation that makes rural life more livable and migration to cities unnecessary.

Where our policies have encouraged rural-urban migration, we will need approaches that encourage rural-urban integration.

For Rural Transformation, we will need to:

• Pursue massive investment in development planning specific to rural areas.

• Pursue massive investment in rural infrastructure as a long-term and ever evolving priority in national development.

• Provide reliable and cheap electricity.

• Provide clean water.

• Provide good public schools. Children and parents in rural areas must be confident that the education they are receiving is not in any way inferior to that of their counterparts in urban areas.

• Invest in food production. Investment in food production is particularly important. In the years ahead, we should not have rural Kenya where people call themselves farmers while they go to bed on empty stomachs.

• Provide reliable, efficient and quality health care resources.

Rural-Urban Integration is already taking roots silently across all parts of rural Kenya. It is coming in the form of new trading centres emerging to compete established towns. Here are a few examples:

• In Southern Nyanza, Rodi Kopany is growing into and competing Homa Bay town.

• Awendo is competing Migori.

• Kisii is growing into the metropolis for the southern Nyanza region.

• In central Kenya, Saba Saba, Maragua, Mbombo and Mukuyu are emerging as towns competing Muranga town.

• Chaka emerging as the fastest growing urban center competing the old Nyeri town.

• Up in Tharaka Nithi, Kathwana trading centre is emerging alongside Chogoria as competitors of the old Chuka Town.

• In Busia, Bumala and Matayos are emerging as alternatives to Busia Town.

• Khayega and Malava are emerging as alternatives to the old Kakamega town as Mbale emerges as alternative to Vihiga. These new centres are already pulling people away from the land in rural areas.

But even in urbanized societies of the developed world, there will always be people not keen on moving to towns and will remain behind to do farming. I expect that to happen here. How do we make use of this development?

• The government will need to move in and ensure a coordinated and planned growth.

• This will ensure those who remain on the farms can do farming on a commercial scale while the towns provide the market for the produce.

• The government will have to provide the farmers with high yielding seeds, help them with reclamation of the land and preservation of water sources and all else they need to feed the emerging towns and the entire nation.

• The government will also need to step in and help farmers secure drying machines and storage facilities.

• The informal food markets where food is bought and sold for most rural areas are not efficiently organized. Often these are congested with produce stands sitting next to each other, often on roadside. That will need to change.

• The government will also need to help the farmers transport food from where surplus is to where it is in short supply.

The end result will be the creation of functional and rich villagers who have money their pockets living dignified and decent life in rural Kenya. It has been done in other countries. I believe it can be done in Kenya.

PM Raila leaks his 2022 manifesto, shocks DP Ruto who is chasing wind in Mt Kenya region


PM Raila leaks his 2022 manifesto, shocks DP Ruto who is chasing wind in Mt Kenya region


PM Raila leaks his 2022 manifesto, shocks DP Ruto who is chasing wind in Mt Kenya region

By Raila Odinga via FB

Transforming Kenya from a poor to a prosperous country will require a very deliberate focus on turning around the fortunes of rural Kenya.

As Prime Minister, I championed slum upgrading as a means of ensuring those fleeing rural areas do not end up in more deplorable urban dwellings.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has championed urban regeneration especially in his second term.

Going forward, and to ensure a more balanced growth, Urban Regeneration will need to go hand in hand with a very deliberate policy of Rural Transformation that makes rural life more livable and migration to cities unnecessary.

Where our policies have encouraged rural-urban migration, we will need approaches that encourage rural-urban integration.

For Rural Transformation, we will need to:

• Pursue massive investment in development planning specific to rural areas.

• Pursue massive investment in rural infrastructure as a long-term and ever evolving priority in national development.

• Provide reliable and cheap electricity.

• Provide clean water.

• Provide good public schools. Children and parents in rural areas must be confident that the education they are receiving is not in any way inferior to that of their counterparts in urban areas.

• Invest in food production. Investment in food production is particularly important. In the years ahead, we should not have rural Kenya where people call themselves farmers while they go to bed on empty stomachs.

• Provide reliable, efficient and quality health care resources.

Rural-Urban Integration is already taking roots silently across all parts of rural Kenya. It is coming in the form of new trading centres emerging to compete established towns. Here are a few examples:

• In Southern Nyanza, Rodi Kopany is growing into and competing Homa Bay town.

• Awendo is competing Migori.

• Kisii is growing into the metropolis for the southern Nyanza region.

• In central Kenya, Saba Saba, Maragua, Mbombo and Mukuyu are emerging as towns competing Muranga town.

• Chaka emerging as the fastest growing urban center competing the old Nyeri town.

• Up in Tharaka Nithi, Kathwana trading centre is emerging alongside Chogoria as competitors of the old Chuka Town.

• In Busia, Bumala and Matayos are emerging as alternatives to Busia Town.

• Khayega and Malava are emerging as alternatives to the old Kakamega town as Mbale emerges as alternative to Vihiga. These new centres are already pulling people away from the land in rural areas.

But even in urbanized societies of the developed world, there will always be people not keen on moving to towns and will remain behind to do farming. I expect that to happen here. How do we make use of this development?

• The government will need to move in and ensure a coordinated and planned growth.

• This will ensure those who remain on the farms can do farming on a commercial scale while the towns provide the market for the produce.

• The government will have to provide the farmers with high yielding seeds, help them with reclamation of the land and preservation of water sources and all else they need to feed the emerging towns and the entire nation.

• The government will also need to step in and help farmers secure drying machines and storage facilities.

• The informal food markets where food is bought and sold for most rural areas are not efficiently organized. Often these are congested with produce stands sitting next to each other, often on roadside. That will need to change.

• The government will also need to help the farmers transport food from where surplus is to where it is in short supply.

The end result will be the creation of functional and rich villagers who have money their pockets living dignified and decent life in rural Kenya. It has been done in other countries. I believe it can be done in Kenya.

PM Raila leaks his 2022 manifesto, shocks DP Ruto who is chasing wind in Mt Kenya region