Revealed: Rongo university management exposed for nepotism and high voltage favouritism

Revealed: Rongo university management exposed for nepotism and high voltage favouritism

Hi Lee. Kindly don’t expose my name but please expose on my behalf Rongo University administration.

I joined Rongo University in the year 2013, at entry grade 7, but 7-8 years down the line I have never been promoted, which is against the Rongo University human resource manual.

This is despite even my several attempts to highlight my plight to management in writing. The same applies to several other employees who are not connected to the powers that be in administration.

Meanwhile, their relatives and cronies receive massive perks, benefits, and even promotions etc. Interviews get stage managed whenever they want to promote one of their own after they have attained a certain requirement in qualifications.

Basically, there is no meritocracy, nepotism is rife, and reports about embezzlement of funds are rife and go unreported.

There is massive corruption in the university in terms of employment of staff. The relatives of members of management enjoy privileges that others don’t, including having irregular access to loan facilities that others have been denied.

This has been going on for seven years, we are now in the eighth. Need I mention tender awards for major projects? It stinks to high heaven. I dare say that the university should even be investigated by the EACC and DCI.

Members of management change cars like clothes and live in palatial maisonettes, built from the ground up in breakneck speed.

Kindly use your social media capital and calling for public good to expose the rot in Rongo University in Migori County.

Revealed: Rongo university management exposed for nepotism and high voltage favouritism



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