Panic and Pain in Kiambu as university student kills 5 family members

Panic and Pain in Kiambu as university student kills 5 family members

A university student linked to the gruesome killing of his family members in Kiambu County on Wednesday, January 6, has confessed to the brutal murder.

Police stated that they had identified him as the prime suspect after he had gone missing on Tuesday, January 5, and resurfaced after he was arrested at his hideout in Lower Kabete, Kiambu County.

Upon thorough and intense interrogations, Lawrence Njoroge confessed to killing the construction worker first by allegedly hacking him to death.

According to Njoroge, he accessed his parent’s house through the rear door and proceeded to kill his mother. His cousin who rushed to aid his mother also got murdered. The suspect later went to his brother’s bedroom and killed him.

The final atrocious act came after he killed his father Njoroge Warunge in cold blood after he tried to escape through the balcony.

After been apprehended, the suspect led detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to the IDP area in Maai Mahiu, Nakuru County, where they found crucial evidence.

Among the evidence found were burnt blood-stained clothes, home keys, crushed mobile phones, rods and the knife suspected to have been used to commit the crime.

Detectives also found a white jacket, dark blue trouser and a pair of shoes from a pit latrine in the IDP camp.

Following up on the trail, the detectives questioned the caretaker of the rental house at Jikaze IDP camp where the student temporarily stayed.

He confirmed that the student and a lady believed to be his girlfriend had paid for a single room on December 25, 2020, and moved out on Thursday, January 7, a day after the gruesome murder was carried out.

Upon moving out, sources say that the suspect ultimately fled to a relative’s home who reportedly blew his cover to the police.

Speaking to the press, DCI boss George Kinoti noted that fingerprint dusting confirmed the presence of at least three people at the scene of the crime. He confirmed that two suspects were already in custody.

The DCI boss also stated that the student had a hand in the murders.

“We are now 100 percent sure that he was involved. The boy says he was not on good terms with the family, but what we want to establish now is the drive.

He (the student) has given us a lot of information, but we are going beyond this to corroborate the circumstantial and forensic evidence with what he is saying. The postmortem on the bodies will also give us progress,” Kinoti said.

Postmortem examinations on the bodies of the five are expected to be conducted on Monday.

Panic and Pain in Kiambu as university student kills 5 family members



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