Leaked video: “Uhuru’s choice will fail in Mt Kenya”, MP Waruguru says

Leaked video: “Uhuru’s choice will fail in Mt Kenya”, MP Waruguru says

Laikipia county women representative Cate waruguru found herself on the wrong side after speaking her heart out during a morning show on a vernacular television station (Inooro Tv).

In what turned out to be a caught unaware interview the MP thought that the show had taken a break but luckily it was still on air.

In wide range of questionnaires by the show host the women representative spilt the beans on president Uhuru Kenyatta successor who she said will fail terribly on the mountain saying that citizens are tired of the Jubilee government and that if the state decides to endorse a candidate Kenyans will have no mercy but to take the candidate home.

The woman representative was an ardent supporter of deputy President William ruto before shady camp to president Uhuru’s side.

However what is seemingly coming out from the MP is that she still believes in the Hustler nation narrative and that it is time for William Ruto to be the president of the Republic of Kenya a thing she can’t say on camera due to fears of the deep state.

The Laikipia leader was for a long time criticizing orange democratic movement leader Raila Odinga but later got sanitized at the capitol hill based 4th floor offices.

Waruguru also exposed that they were forced to support BBI through night calls.

Leaked video: “Uhuru’s choice will fail in Mt Kenya”, MP Waruguru says



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