Leadership: Extending the term of president Farmajo is a blessing to Somalia

Leadership: Extending the term of president Farmajo is a blessing to Somalia

By Onyango ochieng jnr via FB

I welcome the decision by Somalia National Assembly (Lower House) to extend the term of President Farmajo by two years so as to enable the National Independent Electoral Commission(NIEC) organise a PROPER election based on “ONE-MAN-ONE-VOTE” system as opposed to the current archaic clan-based GERONTOCRACY.

This is why, I am surprised by the wave of critics against this wondeful move by Parliament.

These critics don’t understand- unwittingly -the beauty/benefits of universal suffrage. Where every man/woman in the land is ENTITLED to a vote, and that vote COUNTS!

On trial here is the definition of “democracy”, which is: A government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE , for the PEOPLE.

This can only happen through ONE-MAN-ONE -VOTE system. No shortcuts!


In the USA, Article II of the Constitution empowers the Congress(National Assembly)to postpone the elections based on severity of prevailing circumstances.

New Zealand postponed its elections last year.

Examples are countless in the annals of democratic experiments.

What Somalia Lower House has done is not strange to the law. Its neither a ballot coup! Its wisdom undiluted. It’s visionary.

In Africa, I don’t know any nation that uses the current electoral system in Somalia. Which to me, belongs to the past! Not even Swaziland of all countries.

A little sacrifice for longterm benefits will not hurt the nation and the people of Somalia.

NIEC now have the time to do a good job towards realisation of a FAIR and CREDIBLE elections where citizens will go to the ballot and vote.

Congratulations Parliament.

Congratulations HE Farmajo.

Leadership: Extending the term of president Farmajo is a blessing to Somalia



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