How the army stopped police brutality during election

How the army stopped police brutality during election

By Onyango Ochieng Jr. via fb

I am very proud of the Malawi Army (MDF). It’s very very very professional, unbiased, apolitical patriotic, and above all, it protects the nation from external aggression and threats to democracy(peace). Literally!
During the Malawi elections, they noticed that President Prof. Mutharika was unlawfully using police to brutalize civilians opposed to his candidacy. So they then hatched a plan.
After the nullification of that election by the Supreme Court, the CDF Gen. Vincent Nundwe(pictured) moved in to give judges bulletproof vests and security. They took over the security of key leaders including in opposition and installations previously under police.
Then, they summoned the police boss, and warned him profusely in a live press conference. But they didn’t trust him, the army was deployed to protect protestors.
I remember in one case, the army caught up with a local police boss and his team beating up opposition supporters; they were made to lie down on their stomachs like dead pigs. Then each given 150 canes to a point they all urinated and defecated on themselves.
The police boss shouted “My mother where are you; am dying”, then he died a little death. I think he resurrected after many days in bed looking like a tattoed zebra.
In neighboring Uganda, the army is actually a militia of the ruling party. Museveni even calls it ” my army” and occasionally refers to it as “NRA”, meaning a militia of his party NRM. Pathetic.
Gen. Vincent Nundwe, Africa and Africans are proud of you sir. Your wisdom, and iconic sense of judgment, towers like the statue of Jupiter Olympus.
God bless you!

How the army stopped police brutality during election



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