How cheap romance almost killed Machakos senator, lady in police custody

How cheap romance almost killed Machakos senator, lady in police custody

By Jerome Ogola via fb
In other sad news, Machokos senator, Bonface Mutinda is recuperating in Nairobi Hospital, where he was rushed after allegedly collapsing in a some woman’s house
Of course they weren’t discussing BBI or climate change. They must’ve have been doing something else, maybe playing horizontal engineering
The sleuths of Mukuru Kwa Zuckerberg, have concluded investigations and declared that he may’ve collapsed and died temporarily, while attempting to run faster than his ageing body could afford, maybe to impress the young damsel or to get value for his money
It isn’t long since a conference of held by men here in this slum, chaired by Othwes Jamabinju revised the standing orders and declared that the longest football match must not go beyond, three minutes, including the preamble
The gender which had a conversation with a puff-adder in Eden must not be too ambitious, to make the boy child faint while struggling to please her .
Anyway QR to the wounded lion. He is down but not out


The Thika billionaire who disappeared mysteriously, after leaving a suicide note inside his parked truck, has emerged, after his mother threatened to camp by the gates of the state house, until her son is found
This man was probably in Awendo. Awendo, the Guinea fowl, is a plan B, also called mpango wa Kando
You know Christianity made polygamy illicit, but again omieri defied salvation and remained an atheist, as we said, meaning an avarage man is till involved with several women even after discarding polygamy
Now you know why someome observed that the only woman who is sure where the husband is, at any particular time, is a widow
Women should learn to allow their men time to visit their other women, to mitigate such cases. A caring woman must allow her husband time for o extra curricular activities

Good afternoon my fellow hoof eaters!!

How cheap romance almost killed Machakos senator, lady in police custody



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