Governor Oparanya photo caused a storm, arrival at Gusii stadium in style with two wives


This year’s Mashujaa day has come to an end
The fete was held at Gusii Stadium in Kisii County. This year’s event was the best so far, because adherence to COVID-19 regulations meant fewer people were in attendance

In such previous events, the poor left the shanties they call their homes, in the morning for the venues of the event. While the real “mashujaa” sit on raised platform, in an area well protected from the excesses weather, as the hoof eaters remain exposed in terraces
If it rains, they get soaked. If it doesn’t, they get baked in the sun. This time, coronavirus helped reduce the crowd
The man of the event was Ambetsa Oparanya the governor of Kakamega. He arrived in style, flanked by his two wives. That’s a true African man, unlike those who keep a chain of women in darkness, but act very holy during the day, as they walk next to next to their one woman, when it is common knowledge that they are nocturnal Akuku Danger

Likuyani, a sub county at the appendix of Kakamega county knows best the advantages of polygamy, because it made us get our most important road tamacked, even if the layer of the bitumen is as thin as butter on bread
Our very own Mswati understands devolution. He has devolved his own natural insemination, than any other function, by the county government
The other notable development at the event was Uhuru’s push for a referendum. Uhuru is a very sly and smart politician. After “winning” and taking it all twice, he has now discovered that the winner takes it all, isn’t the best arrangement for this country
I fully agree with Uhuru. If it takes a bloated executive to prevent a Kenyan from conducting a free and mandatory throat surgery on the neck of his fellow countrymen, after very election, let it be
Anyone who advices you not to support the referendum because it is creating positions for a chosen few, should also advise you to keep off the general elections, because this also creates positions for leaders and nothing for the hoi polloi
Uhuru’s and Ruto’s wives, also have something to admire. Despite living in tonnes of money, they both look very simple and they both wear short natural hair, and simple presentable clothes
Our women back in the ghettos want us to get money from wherever even if it means auctioning our hairy tennis balls, our only earthly possession, to afford them expensive outfit and if when we fail, they sell our thatched ATM

By J O via FB

Governor Oparanya photo caused a storm, arrival at Gusii stadium in style with two wives



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