Ferry politics and myopia- Governor Hassan Joho

Ferry politics and myopia- Governor Hassan Joho

By Duncan Kibwage Makori
In February 2016, Governor Joho muscled out Kenya Ferry Services from managing the ferries. His argument was that the management is too incompetent to handle the lives of thousands who cross the ferry on a daily basis. Familiar? Isn’t it? KFS sued the Governor and in November 2016 the governor lost the case as the High Court ordered him to return the facility back to KFS.

The county government appealed the decision but the Court of Appeal dismissed the case in favour of the national government. The court said the Likoni channel was not an inland lake but part of international waterways assigned to the national government (Note not county government).

Governor Joho did not stop there. He headed to the Supreme Court, after a lengthy and strenuous argument from the Governor’s lawyer Mr Paul Mwangi, the case was simply dismissed on the basis of technicalities. The court simply said that it lacked merit.

After a 3-0 loss, it’s outrightly immoral for someone to call out the Governor for mismanagement of KFS. It’s an act of philanthropy for the Governor to step in and try to help where he was chased away from. My deepest condolences to those affected by the tragedy.

Source: kenyagist.COM


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