Drama: Senator Wetangula, MP Chris Wamalwa chases away during a funeral, runs into sugarcane plantation

Drama: Senator Wetangula, MP Chris Wamalwa chases away during a funeral, runs into sugarcane plantation

By Dennis Itumbi via FB

So, Wetangula took the podium and dismissed MPs who support The #HustlerNation saying they were getting paid to sell out the Luyhas.

The Tanga Tanga MPs took to the podium and put Wetangula to his defence with some direct challenge…

1. Wetangula says we should support a Luyha for President, has he ever supported a Luyha since he joined politics?

2. Wetangula started with Moi, then Kibaki and then Raila twice.

3. At the time he said Ideas were superior to tribes, we agree with him, Ideas, plans and #Hustler Nation remain higher ideals and philosophies. We will never abandin that path and faith.

Wetangula sensing that Webuye agreed with the Arguments advanced by Didmus, Wanyama and Mabonga called MP Chris Wamalwa to support his position.

Mourners then ejected both Wetangula and Chris saying they needed to listen to their collective views as much as they listened to them.

Chris and Weta then escaped through a nearby Sugarcane plantation as they insisted on their way or the highway.

Drama: Senator Wetangula, MP Chris Wamalwa chases away during a funeral, runs into sugarcane plantation



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