An open letter to all parents and teachers in Kenya

An open letter to all parents and teachers in Kenya

By Githinji Kamotho.
Greetings to all, this Tuesday 5th January 2021.

I hope this letter finds you in good health,geared up to overcome all.

I take this opportunity to urgently reprimand parents and teachers from several key activities they are indulging in especially now the schools are in the process of reopening after an 8 month recess, first of all there is a possibility almost 3/4 of all Primary and Secondary Schools will have to close down by third week of this month,due to irate students and outright boredom in school activities,causing school infernos.

Secondly most teacher are a frustrated, due to over populated students,poor working conditions, newly salary taxations,lack of proper ranking upgrades, among other issues, coupled with long stay at home.

Since Covid Struck most Kenyan teachers had an opportunity to engage in extra income generating activities ,so reopening the schools will disorganize most, thus any possible scenario that can accelerate the situation of students stay at home will be a reprieve to most teachers.

Thirdly as a parent if studentsplanning to return your child to school make sure you don’t pay the entire full year fees, nor buy new uniform its better your child go to school in old clean uniform than be sorry when the schools will be shut down which is foreseeable.

Fourthly most parents are not conversant with what entails CBC education curriculum, which is mostly practiced in China.

Fifth The CS.Magoha is an appointee of China Government ( Conditions on 750 Billion loans agreement ) CS.Magoha was shortlisted due to what he spearheaded at the University of Nairobi where he gave tender worth Ksh 3 Billion to construct the 17th floor University Towers despite the University having all the expertise and knowledge to undertake the same project.

Its saddening to note that CBC was forced to teachers and parents without proper or meaningful engagements,its high time parents raise up and withdraw their students from schools until a proper education process is established with inputs from all sectors.

CBC in essence is a new way to massively extort parents ,despite parents buying certain books,uniforms from specific vendors at exhobitant fees.

Parents be prepared to buy Chinese Laptop and accessories to cater for level three upwards,classes which in essence will force all parents to buy the gadgets due to examination which will be happening online.
Be in the know that Kenya schools (Primary &Secondary) population is almost 14 Million,parents be prepared to shoulder this astronomical burden if you happen to allow CBC implemented.

Parents its estimated that due to government directive on stay at home (to curb Corona) over 2 Million school going children’s girls have been impregnated and are in one way or other expectant or in the process,we call for special classes to accommodate the minor- children parentage in line with constitutional obligation on right for children to free education in line with breast feeding mother act.????????

Lastly its foolish to see CS Magoha directing the schools be reopened while countries such as Rwanda after 1993 skirmishes schools closed for almost 5 years and today the education in Rwanda is equated to be the best in the region, so why did the cabinet allow such a drastic measure or the Kenya Government is borrowing from its Tanzania Counterparts,,it will only take a few coughs from students in a school/ classes to make teachers run???????????? and school closed.

Dear reader, I do hope Kenyan Teachers are well placed to critique the above pointed issues.

Githinji Kamotho.

Baraza La Taifa.
National Coordinator.

An open letter to all parents and teachers in Kenya



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