Am not interested with “one minute man”, Waiguru mocked by Kamotho’s ex wife Seneiya

DRAMA: Am not interested with “one minute man”, Waiguru mocked by Kamotho’s ex wife Seneiya

Seneiya Sempele, who happens to be Kamotho’s ex wife has urged Governor Anne Waiguru to stop mocking her with honeymoon photos on her watsapp.
“Am busy minding my own business and I think it’s unfair for her to keep on testing my patience. The one minute man is all yours and I have no space for my past” Seneiya Sempele said in a statement.

Kamotho Waiganjo was married to Lorna Seneiya, a Nairobi-based publishing consultant and journalist. The two have three adult children. It is not yet established why Seneiya Sempele and Waiguru are exchanging bitterly .

This is happening hours after the Kirinyaga Governor exchanged vows with her lawyer fiancée. In January 2017, Seneiya Sempele won a Spain-based book award for indigenous language works in the world.

Lorna Seneiya Sempele, who is a journalist, took the honours at the third International Language (Auto) biography Award recently for her autobiographical work in Maasai language.
The book, Osaei Okuso Laitaan yanyukie Enkutuk Ang’o’lmaasai (The Beautiful Bead Necklace of My Mother Tongue), is Sempele’s first published work, which celebrates and seeks to preserve the linguistic and cultural beauty of her Maa language.
The award is organised by a consortium of Spanish institutions, among them the Vives Network of Catalan Universities, Aurelia Figuras Foundation, and the Research Group on Endangered Languages of the University of Barcelona.
According to the judges, Sempele’s work stood out because “it expressed in Maasai, a minority language, the important role of language in the construction of culture and how painful such construction can be in the fragile linguistic and cultural contexts of the language.”

She studied French and economics at the University of Nairobi and holds a master’s degree in development studies from St Paul’s University. Several of her feature stories, focusing on women empowerment, have been published by local dailies.

Source: kenyagist.COM


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